CSI:M / NCIS FIC :: "Confluences: From Desert to Sea" Prologue [Calleigh/Natalia/Ziva/Abby, PG]

Sep 15, 2010 23:33



Hi Gibbs! It's me, Abby. Or should I try for all formal like and start this with, Dear Mister Gibbs… Kidding! So, it's been awhile, huh? I hope you guys are settled in at Eastland and keeping all those spoiled rich kids in line. Do you like being in a mentor-teachery position? I bet you're really good at it. Don't let any of those punks push Tim around and make sure that Tony behaves.

Living in the desert is totally weird. Really, I don't have good words for how weird it really is. Sure it's hot and kinda empty and all of the things that you'd expect for a desert, but there's also something appealing about it. There's a regularity of how the natural pace of the place works, like a steady heartbeat. As for work? Well, I really like the Las Vegas crime lab, they have some amazing and competent people here, but is it wrong for me to admit that I miss being special? I mean, there's a whole lab of people here who are so good at what they do that I sorta blend in. If you can imagine that! However, I have to admit that we get an amazing amount of work done.

Part of me wants to go back the east coast, but probably not DC again. Really, wouldn't that be like a step back? If it weren't for all that evil, healthy sunshine, Miami might be fun…

Speaking of Miami, the girls are doing great. It's kinda a shame that you didn't get a chance to know Nat and Cal, they're really great! Smart, successful, gorgeous and all that good stuff. Living on this great ranch out in the desert makes everybody loose and sensual, even Ziva! Dace has her all set up and everything to have some real adult fun. Oh, they're being all sneaky and stuff, but isn't that part of the thrill? Tell Tim to write me separately if he wants details, 'cause I know better than to squick you. Let's just say there are some real nice job perks in being a member of such a sexy pack!

Is Tony doing good? And Tim better be behaving himself! I miss you guys sooooooooo much! We'll come visit soon once we know where we're going to end up and Ziva gets her own territory.

Love you!

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

fanfic :: ncis, fanfic :: csi: miami, fanfic :: lwm

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