So I got up before
shatterpath this morning. I honestly didn't hear my alarm go off at 0600 and don't remember turning it off, but I obviously did. When I woke up, ti was pretty dim out, so I assumed it was somewhere between 0430-0500, which meant I was going back to sleep. Except nature was calling. So imagine my surprise when I put my glasses on to see that it was 0604! Crazy! So I got up and decided to watch some TV. I managed to catch Skiffy's The X-Files marathon. I watched "731", "Revelations", "War of the Coprophages", "Syzygy", "Grotesque", & "Piper Maru" before
shatterpath & I decided to change the channel [she came in nearl the end of "War of the Coprophages"]. So a bunch of questions and comments came up during the viewing of these eps...
- "Revelations" still creeps the fuck out of me in that religious fanatics kind of way. This isn't a complaint, mind you, but it's still a scary ep and makes me want to write a story with a stigmatic.
- "War of the Coprophages" :: "Her name is Bambi?" That line still makes me giggle like nobody's business!
- "Syzygy" is my all time favorite episode of The X-Files. I can't exactly explain WHY this is my favorite ep, just that it is. Tho' it's closely followed by "Improbable". And why is it that no one ever clued me in that Laurie Foreman is in this episode? I nearly burst a gut from laughing this morning when I realized that was her! "Happy birthday, bitch!" *giggles*
- I don't honestly remember seeing "Grotesque", even tho' I know I did. And yes, I had another giggle fit seeing Red Foreman in this ep, directly after the Laurie Foreman ep. [And yes, I know I could be using the actors' names, but it's funnier this way]. I have to wonder if ISU isn't some precursor to the BAU. And then
shatterpath and I got to thinking about what the BAU crew would do with Fox Mulder...
- "Piper Maru"... I'd actually forgotten about this ep being the first time we met the black oil. And I'd forgotten how much I love Skinner. I completey and utterly blame miashael for turning me into a Skinner/Scully fan.
- And in general, I'd completely forgotten just how much they used Scully for random exposition monologues. FFS! And did Mulder always sound like such a sanctimonious, know-it-all dickhead?
We were supposed to have a 70% chance of precipitation today. I don't know that we got it. But boy, did I get a weather-induced headache. I was down for about 4 hours... And had some fucked up dreams that included several friends and chosen family members, plus a weird thing with ratties. I don't remember details anymore, which is probably a good thing... Suffice it to say, it was very disorienting when
shatterpath woke me up.
So I am wanting to do one of the 30 day memes, but I'm not sure which one would garner more interest. Would y'all rather see me do the 30 day TV meme or the 30 day music meme? Whichever gets more response is what I'll start on Monday. I'm interested in doing both, so will do the other one the following 30 days after I finish the first.
Only 2 more episodes of CSI: Miami's fifth season to complete the initial phase of my research for my
ladiesbigbang piece. I'll start working my changes into the outline notes and then I'll be able to do some writing finally! I also want to work on my
kink_bingo card and get some responses in on the
Second Annual Femslash Kink Meme. I've got 4 pages of links with fandom, pairing, and prompt set up in Word that I'm considering working on. And if I can get them to work with my
kink_bingo card, even better!
And finally,
a quiz gacked from
gblvr ![](
I'm actually not surprised by this in the slightest. Tho' I had to look at the bulk of my life and realize that despite only being officially out for 15 years now, I really was more geared toward homosexuality. Of course, there's the fact that I new I was some level of bisexual at 10yo to figure in here, too... I guess that just means that I've always known in some way or another what was most comfortable for me...