Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jun 01, 2010 07:50

June 1, 2010
Prem Joshua & Chintan

Multi instrumentalist Prem Joshua is remarkably dexterous in a wide variety of instruments, especially classical Indian ones, having trained in India for several years. Over the course of his career, Joshua has been unafraid of collaboration, joining forces with artists ranging from New Age experts to classical Indian musicians. On his 2006 album Ahir, Joshua teams up with long time collaborator Chintan Relenberg, who supplements Joshua’s classical instrumentation with keyboards and loops both in live shows and on various albums.

Though this duo has been touring together for years, Ahir is the first album released under both Joshua’s and Chintan’s names. This album sees additional collaboration with a slew of skilled classical Indian musicians such as a South Indian violinist, and a classical vocalist and percussionist. The result is an astounding collection of songs that capture the essence of Indian classical raga and contemporizes it by adding loops and electronic production. The duo launch right into a series of gorgeous melodies with a heavy initial focus on the strings. The second track “Ramana” has a gorgeous classical Indian melody being played on the violin that has all the traditional beautiful plaintiveness, while loops and tabla beats propel the tune along into a modern space.

The music gets more trancelike and sensual on songs like the title track, which showcase the conversation between vocals and instruments, with softly wailing vocals dialoguing with flutes and a peppering of tabla. Like most of Joshua’s music, Ahir rides the line between trancelike and invigorating, working for either meditation or simply to set the mood for a bath or cocktails with friends. “Durga Ye” shows both those sides with its deeper, trancier grooves taking over while lush vocals twine themselves through the rhythms for a song that appeals to your primal side and is sure to invigorate you.

June 1, 2010
Confident Conviction
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Calculated risks that you have committed to might cause you to experience anxiety and fear today. If these risks cause you discomfort, try to remain steadfast in the knowledge that your decisions are correct. Trusting your choices, even when you are as frightened as you are excited, can help you overcome your anxiety and face life’s challenges. The path you’ve chosen can seem less foreboding if you have faith in yourself. Should you become apprehensive, making a mental list of the successful risks you’ve taken in the past may help to ease your insecurities. Today can be a wonderful time to step back from your situation in order to take stock of all of your strengths.

Self-trust can be the most powerful weapon we possess when we have to combat fear. Most fear stems from self-doubt and the feeling that we are not capable of understanding a concept or completing a task. When you trust yourself, you acknowledge your faith in your ability to make decisions and succeed. The fear of failure or of underserved accomplishment has little chance of gaining a foothold in your soul. Also, you become empowered to take risks without second-guessing yourself because you are secure in the knowledge that you would not choose an undertaking you were unprepared for. Trusting yourself today can help you dissipate your fears-you know that the risks you have chosen will be beneficial ultimately.

June 1, 2010
As You Believe
Create Completeness

We can manifest what we want through affirmations as if we have already obtained what we want.

The creative power of the universe is infinite. A single molecule's destiny is as important as the consequences of the largest supernova. Human potential is subject to this power, but because we are sentient beings, each of us is permitted to choose whether we will struggle against it or work in tandem with it. When we give voice to our desires through focused meditation or solicit the help of spirit guides, we draw upon the universe's creative power to achieve certain ends. However, because our words are not all the universe hears, the response we receive may surprise us. The discourse we establish through our appeals is a blend of speech, thought, intention, and subconscious reflection. When we ask the universe for something, the unspoken message is that what we want does not exist, and the universe accepts this as truth. Conversely, we manifest completeness through affirmations in which we declare our desires as if we have already obtained them.

When we affirm that we are fulfilled instead of articulating deficiencies, we are asserting that contentment is a natural and necessary element of human existence. Our essence is an expression of fulfillment-the universe wants to satisfy our needs and desires. When we describe our realities in positive terms, we are not denying the challenges inherent in existence. We choose not to focus on lack or dissatisfaction because we understand that the energy of our thoughts will determine the response we receive to our entreaties. Ask yourself how you would feel if your wishes were granted, and then allow yourself to internalize that emotional state. Try to create a picture of satisfaction so vivid that its reality is unquestionable and tell the universe that your vision is fact. At the close of your appeal, express your gratitude, as it is your acknowledgment of the truth of your fulfillment that will set the creative power of the universe into motion.

Working in perfect unison with the creative power of the universe will empower you to manifest spiritual realities in your material existence. As you affirm the beauty, peace, and goodness that already exist within in your life, your capacity to sense and understand their influence will become increasingly sophisticated. To meet your needs and achieve your desires, you need then only banish all thoughts of emptiness so that the energy of completeness can attract fullness into your being.

daily om

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