The vast bulk of my day has been spent fighting some nasty cramps. It doesn't help that I've been fighting PMS-type cramps for the better part of a week now [and I'm almost a week later than normal]. So there was a lot of mindless gameplaying, a little reading, an attempt at a nap. Finally, some food seemed to help a bit. I'll say it was the red meat in said food and leave it at that... *shrugs*
And I seem to have misplaced my CSI: Miami Season 5 box set. Which really sucks, because we were gonna watch an ep or two tonight for some of the background research for my
ladiesbigbang story. The NCIS portion of the story really doesn't need any of its canon because that series has already been completely and utterly AU'ed within
Light, Water, Muses. Tho' I am going to use some of the bits of Ziva's citizenship ceremony. It'll just happen in Miami, rather than DC. But the Miami girls are going to get some changes thrown their way from what happened in S5 canon to this story. I don't even have a name for it yet, but that's okay. I still need to get some writing done on it, too. But I want to watch the eps and get my outline finalized before I move forward with writing.
And I REALLY need to get some sort of OT4 iconage made. Or at least a Nat/Ziva icon...
So earlier today,
shatterpath was saying "Mute" while hitting said button on the TiVo remote, and she ended up sing-songing it like that old movie clip/song from Sesame Street. She doesn't remember that bit, but I remember watching it A LOT, so I had to go searching for it. First I found
the lyrics. Was that really all there was to the lyrics? Then again, all I ever sing is "Milk, Mi-ilk, Milk" and then continue nonsensically with the tune. And then
this page had the YouTube video embedded, and I had to chuckle about the guy saying that he can't help singing that same bit that I do every time he does anything with milk. A little more searching led to the
Muppet Wiki where I found out that this clip originally aired in the
very first episode of Sesame Street! And last, but certainly not least, I found
The 50 Best Sesame Street Moments. Among the 50 listed there, my favorites include...
- "Martian Cutie" :: I still remember the words while watching the vid...
- "Savion Glover and Snuffy tap dance" :: This bit just makes me giggle. He's sooo babyfaced there! And I freely admit that I'm a slut sucker for tap...
- "I Got a New Way to Walk" :: *giggles* I remember laughing over this with my brother. Of course, in part that was because our dad's nickname is Porky... *veg*
- "Put Down the Ducky" :: Oh, Madeline Kahn, I miss you!
- "Women Can Be" :: Great bit. I still giggle over this one...
- "Teeny Little Superguy: School" :: I always thought Teeny Little Superguy was fun!
- "Grover and John-John Count Backwards" :: zOMG! I LOVED John-John!
- "Ladybug Picnic" ::
shatterpath & I tend to sing this at very random times, just because we can
- "I Love Trash" :: I used to kind of have a thing for Oscar...
- "The Yip-Yip Martians Find a Telephone" :: zOMG! I LOOOOOVED the Yip-Yips!
- "The Yo-Yo Master and the Lost Kid" :: How could I forget this one? What a fucking trip, man!
- "Mr. Hooper Isn't Coming Back" :: I am VERY sad that this clip is no longer on YouTube. While it makes me sad to think about it, I still would have liked to see it again...
- "Kermit and Joey sing the Alphabet Song" :: This kid totally CMFU & has an infectious giggle
- "Richard Pryor's Alphabet" :: zOMG! I'd almost forgotten about this one!
- "Pinball Number Count" :: I sing this quite often, to be honest. It's one of those earworms that I love. And yes, I'm listening to the song as I type this up and totally headbopping with it
- "C is for Cookie" :: I still have issues with them getting rid of this song and changing the whole scope of Cookie Monster. If I remember correctly, a lot of the parents complaining about him grew up watching him, you know? *sighs*
- "Rubber Ducky" :: Classic, man!
And on a final note, here's a joke from a fellow HHer...
"The Longest Password"
During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password:
When asked why she had such a long password, she said she was told that it had to be
at least 8 characters long and include at least one capital...
And on that note, I should get my sorry ass to bed...