Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Feb 27, 2010 18:16

February 27, 2010
Trusting Your Choices
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

If you’re faced with one or more situations today where you need to make an important decision, you may feel torn between conflicting choices. If left to fester, this uncertainty could become a source of stress and anxiety. Your inability to choose may stem from a lack of self-assurance. You can help yourself become a better decision-maker by trusting your ability to make the right choice. If necessary, try to think about past situations where you made the right decisions. This awareness can give you the confidence boost you need to make a decision today.

Having confidence in your ability to make decisions can help you become more decisive. When we are not feeling confident, the need to make a choice can fill us with doubt and make the decision-making process stressful. Self-confidence allows you to trust your instincts and perceptions. Making decisions become easy when you know you can follow your gut. The need to second-guess yourself disappears because you trust yourself to make good choices. The decisions you must make then become opportunities to propel you forward on your life’s path rather than obstacles to be worked through. The best choice to make will almost always stand out, especially when you trust yourself to accurately analyze your options. Your confidence in your ability to make key decisions today will allow you to avoid feeling torn between your options.

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