Holy Crap!

Feb 13, 2010 23:47

So I have completed all of the crack!fic meme prompts that I was given. And today's was a doozy that I blame wholeheartedly on
merfilly [for giving me the prompt] and
shatterpath [for getting her grubby, dirty, smutty fingerprints on my AU plot]. I really wasn't expecting that story, but it worked, damn it! And with this story, I've already hit my monthly goal for thedailywriter, which was 14000 words. And I'm only on day 13 of the month! How awesome is that?

Honestly, that story was the bulk of my day. Well, that and finding/adding Gatecon peeps to my Facebook account. What a trip that's been!

Tomorrow, we are supposed to be going to so Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Um hello? Melina Kanakaredes as Athena? I'm SOOOOO there, yo!

And now, I really need to get some damned sleep. And try to figure out what my last story for halfamoon 2010 will be...

personal updates, writing

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