I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I just have no damned desire because I don't want to deal with the stress. And yes, the stress levels are already starting to kick up because of this. Plus? Just not feeling 100% today at all. Took a nap earlier, but might as well not have, since I still feel crappy. Can't concentrate on anything today either. *sighs*
BUT I am somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the way through Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. It was a sort of Giftmas present to myself, as I bought it when I got several other books that were Giftmas gifts. I'm really liking it. I'm also really not fucking sure where it's going, which is a good thing for me. The chapters are relatively short, so I can read several in a sitting, or just one or two if I'm really tired.
I still have to do a "wrap up" post for Giftmas, but am not in the right frame of mind currently. That'll have to wait...
There was something else I wanted to mention, but really? Can't remember to save my soul... So I think I'll be smart and head upstairs to watch a movie with
shatterpath &
amyrayh, maybe start working on another hat for
shatterpath while we do.
And then I'll leave you with a meme that I gacked from
mosca a while ago...
- Comment with any character you know I've written.
- Receive three bits of trivia about their sexuality: practices, preferences, experiences, fantasies, kinks, etc.
- Profit!