On turning 40...

Dec 06, 2009 20:35

So I turned 40 on Friday...

It started with waking up to answer nature's call about half an hour before my alarm went off. As I stumbled back into bed, I had this thought that there would probably be a voicemail on my phone when I finally got up :: Gramma and Grampa calling to wish me a happy 40th and horribly singing the birthday song for me, just like they'd done pretty much every year after I started college. It wasn't until I actually got up that it hit me once again that there would be no call or message from them because they're no longer here [nearly 9 yrs & 1 1/2 years respectively]. I miss those calls, no matter how badly they sang, because it was something special I could look forward to, especially once I moved away from Wisconsin. Suffice it to say, it kind of put a damper on my day to start. *sighs* Seeing the "Happy Spotty Day" sign on
shatterpath's dry erase board helped to try to perk me up tho'...

Work was a typical day for the most part: asshole customers interspersed with a few good ones. Until my lunch came along... Right before lunch, we found out that if we don't sell at least one phone to a customer by this coming Fiday, we're fired. Mind you, I don't work in telesales. I did sell a phone this last week, but it hasn't cleared through in our system yet. If it doesn't clear through by Friday, I'm out of a job. What a great thing to find out on my fucking birthday, eh? And this isn't coming from MY employers, this is coming from the Evil Overlods. What a bunch of bullshit!

Anyway, so
shatterpath picked me up and she bought us some nuggets and got me a free caramel frapachino [sp?] from McDonald's as a "surprise", last minute b'day treat. It was quite yummy. And that's a 24oz Dr. Pepper bottle behind the cup in the pic below...

Once home, I responded to all of the birthday wishes I got via Facebook & LJ/DW. It made me feel good to get them... And then I went to open my presents from
shatterpath. She'd given me the large size container of Cherry Passion TicTacs the night before for work. And on my birthday, she gave me an awesome donkey/ass card, 3 packs of Beeman's gum [which I adore!], and a set of Mickey & Minnie figurines that I can paint. I am SO not going to paint them the way Mickey and Minnie normally look. I am going to Spottify them, which means lots of purple and sparkles. *veg*
shatterpath said that she got me those because it was the closest she could get me to Disneyland on my birthday, because of my wanting to celebrate my 40th birthday at Disneyland. And the stuff she put in the card made me get all teary-eyed. I don't remember if I did, but I wanted to smack her for being all mushy and making me cry. The wench!

While I was getting ready to open that, there was a knock at the door. An Amazon box was sitting there, addressed to me. Turns out newbie_2u bought me the first season of Avatar: the Last Airbender on DVD from my wishlist. I totally wasn't expecting that and squeed when I opened it. I haven't started watching it yet, but figure I can do that when the boy and his mom are here to visit for the holidays... I'm sure he'll be thrilled that I've got it, as he's been trying to get me into that show since it first came out.

When amyrayh got home, we went to Silver City Brewery for my birthday dinner, since we got a $10 coupon for my birthday [we got one last month for
shatterpath, too]. I got to pick out our meal, which was the artichoke & spinach dip w/ chips, the potstickers & prawns appetizer plate, and tempura style halibut and chips. It was absolutely yummy and STILL too much food for the 3 of us, so we didn't get dessert. But we stopped off at Safeway on the way home and I got a chocolate cupcake decorated for my b'day. It was yummy. The chick that decorated it asked me for colors [I said purple & pink], if I wanted sprinkles [duh!], and if I wanted anything written on it [40]. But she never ended up using the pink, despite getting it out. *shrugs*

While we were out for dinner, my phone rang. It ended up being my Uncle Danny and Aunt Barb. Danny sang happy birthday to me, and a small part of me was trying not to cry because I was remembering what I'd thought that morning. Luckily, Danny can sing [all 3 sons are incredibly musically talented, but not so much for Gramma and Grampa] and I really felt better getting someone from my blood family singing that to me on my birthday. And one of his dogs was barking partway through, so I got a birthday wish from them, too. LOL! I got to talk to Danny and Barb, which was nice.

Once we got home, I got to actually really read all 3 stories that were written for me.
shatterpath wrote me an awesome OT4 fic called From Desert to Sea. geekgrrllurking wrote me an awesome PtL fic called Hope is The Dream of a Soul Awake. And layla_t wrote me an awesome Wicked fic that was sent by email. And I've gotten two awesome v-gifts on LJ. And yesterday, I got a card in the mail from Danny and Barb, too.

Overall, my birthday was pretty good. There were those couple of low notes, but overall, it was a good birthday, tater.

I've been having some strange thoughts this weekend about the nature of life and death. I suppose they're not all that strange, given the fact that I've turned 40. The only thing that's really come out of those thoughts so far [that I'm willing to discuss right now] is that I'm gonna be growing old with
shatterpath, that she really IS my other half in every way that counts.

And yes, there's probably going to be a post at some point about the thoughts I've been having. I'm just not quite there yet...

birthday, work, personal updates

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