An Update...

Oct 05, 2009 21:13

So first off... Migraines suck ass. Now that I've got that out of the way...

The Packers lost to the Vikings, 30-23. I'm not quite sure what to think about that. I didn't actually watch the game, just kept up with the score via *shakes head* Were the Packers really that rattled by not having Favre at the helm? WTF?

I just finished typing up my latest bit for my Writing Challenge this month. I missed yesterday because of migraine issues. But I've written every other day this month so far.
  • 09/01 :: 703 words on
    shatterpath's prompt of Emily Farazell
  • 09/02 :: 707 words on the first half of
    emlyraemilie's prompt of Five things Lwaxana Troi and Beverly Crusher have in common, and one thing they'll never agree on.
  • 09/03 :: 834 words on the second half of
    emlyraemilie's prompt of Five things Lwaxana Troi and Beverly Crusher have in common, and one thing they'll never agree on.
  • 09/04 :: nothing written
  • 09/05 :: 1008 words on seftiri's prompt of If she had a super power, right now the entire state would be a fucking sheet of glass and she'd be standing right in the center of it all. Alone.
    This ended up being my first foray into Parker/Sophie from Leverage. Um, yeah... THAT wasn't expected.
And yes, I'll probably be posting up the end results at some point in my journals. Whether beta'd or not, I'm still debating on that, but I'm expecting I'll get beta work done on them...

And if you want to, yo ucan go over to the LJ post or DW post & offer a suggestion of ONE of the following :: fandom, character, prompt, theme. ONLY ONE, not a combination. I can't guarantee I'll get to all of them, but I will definitely give it a shot!

football, personal updates, writing prompt memes

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