A couple of quizzes...

May 21, 2009 14:25

You Are Yellow

You are bright, vibrant, and cheerful. Your energy can take over a room.

You look on the sunny side of life. You are able to avoid stress, anxiety, and burnout.

It's hard to get you down, and you've rarely been depressed in your life.

You tend to have a clear mind and an unburdened heart. You try to bring as much light as possible into your life.

What Primary Color Are You?

This really isn't exactly correct, but I'll go with it...

You Are Super Spiritual

You are in touch with the world around you, and you find peace in connecting with others.

You believe that every life is special and that every life has a purpose.

You value harmony and understanding. You try not to judge, bicker, and fight.

As simple as it sounds, you truly think it's important to make the world a better place.

How Spiritual Are You?

Wow! This is what I'd like to be. I still have some work to do to get there, but that's a positive goal to have, right?


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