POEM :: "Untitled"

May 02, 2009 12:54

the world is ending
only three more years to go
so say the mayans
the world as we know it now
will soon be reborn anew

what changes will come?
will anything survive this?
are we doomed to die?
will we transcend our limits?
be reborn to a new world?

This was originally written on 17 April 2009, while I was doing some of my grasshoppering at work [ie. plugged in to listen to someone else take calls]. It started out with the line "April showers bring May flowers" running through my head. I didn't get anywhere with that...and then this just popped into my brain. Pretty much intact. I did a few minor tweaks here and there, but it's pretty much the original version...

101 in 1001 - round 1, poems

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