Bits and Bobs...

Jun 27, 2008 12:39

In bullet format, of course, because I like it that way can... *g*

  • Oh, coloneljack! Dearest, do you have a DVD player that plays Region 1 DVDs? If so, I have a present for you... I recorded an episode of Living With Ed today that had your hunka-hunka-burning love Bradley Whitford in it. He was hysterical, too. So let me know if you can view Region 1 and then I'll need your snail addy to send it your way.

    And if anyone else on my flist wants this, let me know...

  • Laundry has been put away.
    No, you don't understand. This is a big deal for me. I had 3 baskets of laundry to put away, plus the stuff that shatterpath brought into my room that had been mixed in with her stuff. See, I live out of baskets, I always have. But I finally decided to put it all away today. Except for the small basket of dirty stuff that I'll get to at some point this weekend.

    This task also included bagging up all of my old, clean socks to set aside as ferret toys. I've had the socks for a year and a half now, and they're quite threadbare and no longer fit for me to wear, to be honest. So they've become ferret toys...unless Snowflake and Badger decide they don't like them. *shrugs* The ratties used to fucking love them! And the ferrets do like having a towel to burrow in/play with in their playpen. We'll see...

  • Also included in the cleaning, I got my closet a bit tidier. This was two-fold.
    1. I want to be able to have my pedestal fan at the foot of my bed, but also get into my closet to get at my unmentionables. With the closet area cleaned up, I can do that now. Thank god! I also got the box of yarn and pieces of amyrayh's afghan up off my floor. Once it gets cool out again, I'll pull that off the shelf and finish it up for her to have this fall/winter. Yeah, this is the one that I was supposed to have finished for her last August when she came home from Westpac. *rolls eyes at self*
    2. I'm going to be redecorating my room next weekend. We'll start in the morning when it's cooler upstairs. And I need to have the closet area cleaned up, as I'm probably going to be completely redoing my room. I'll take pics, before and after. I'm actually considering painting my room while we do this furniture move. Get it all done at once... Again, I'll take pics of the process if I do this...
  • I've ripped probably a dozen more CDs into iTunes today. Now there are no more CD cases sitting on my desk, cluttering it up. Next step is to further clean up and declutter my desk so that it's more conducive to me getting creative things done, instead of worrying about shit like things falling or where I put a specific bill, etc. This will be done this afternoon.

  • I have found the bag of stuff that I need to send out to people while cleaning my closet. So I'll be pulling out the boxes I've saved up for opportunities like this. More on this as I get the packages together and ready to send out. There will probably be a post to verify addresses for people when I get to that point, too. Keep your eyes peeled for this in the next week or so...

  • I had a fucking brilliant idea this afternoon for my oldschoolfic piece, which is incidentally due next Friday, on the 4th of July. All I'm going to say is that we were listening to shatterpath's iPod and "30 Minutes" by TaTu [or however the fuck you spell their name!] came on. And the idea just HIT me. Now I just have to sit down and write it....which will happen after I clean my desk off. Yay!

  • Since Mangas was adopted by my coworker T, Badger and Snowflake have been like totally different ferrets. It's practically like day and night. They both are eager to come out of the cage for affection. Badger practically leaps up onto my chest the minute I have the door open. They know now that they're going to get affection/attention since Mangas went away, and they eat it up like candy. And they have been getting more attention since she left. And when amyrayh gets home, Badger is going to get even more spoiled because they'll be playing Toss the Ferret on a daily basis...

  • I'm going to extend the voting on the FemSlash Advent Calendar :: Dog Days of Summer 2008 until Sunday, 29th June. There hasn't been as big a turnout this year, and frankly it's kinda pissing me off. I'm not sure if it's just because it's a weird summer or if I haven't done enough to promote this one as compared to previous calendars. But I figure 2 more days can't hurt. The exclusivity date isn't changing, just the awards date. So if you want to and haven't yet, go vote! Please and thank you!

I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll stop it here...

ficathons & challenges, personal updates, writing, pets

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