Mar 19, 2009 16:20
To put it nicely, if Hetalia characters reflected real life (more specifically, the obesity rate in real life) those eye-scarring cosers would be 100% accurate. Almost. America could do to add another hundered pounds so or. *gouges out eyeballs*
No links, because I'm trying to stay *nice*, but I think I really am a masochist, considering I've been repeatedly reloading their pages in order to see all of the photos. *bleaches empty eye sockets*
Oops, still haven't done the tutorial that's due today, nor the financial stuff (though I did hand in the lab report on time). I don't want to care anymore, really. Been spending my time writing France/UK and drawing smexytimes starring France. No idea why, when I can never draw him properly due to my extreme aversion to body hair. *pukes* Maybe it's because I will be cosplaying him at some point in time. And this makes good character practise? Haha.
Man, I can't wait for Cosfest.