god called he said we need girls in our school

Dec 13, 2004 21:44

um i was grounded this whole weekend. no tv no comp..so i turned to my jackie collins book(im on Lady Boss) now and im pissed cuz i read like 400 pages and im almost done with the series...that means nuthin left to read :( but any ways but anyways falcons game rocked!! DIVISION CHAMPS we best be goin to the super bowl!! but any ways...um i dl a whole lot of HIM songs and i liked a couple of em. uh oh shannons goin rock steady bia...but there just aint ne thing poppin in hip hop so i have to turn elsewhere...um im supper pisssed again cuz i couldnt go to the movie or the game friday cuz 1st...moms car broke down and 2nd i had to baby sit. so i was like coolill jsut go out saturday BUT NO stuck babysittin again! thats strait bullshit!

but any whos im out
if yall havent seen it rent dead poests society sooo funny!!
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