Marijuana's Struggle for Jusitce
By Mike Morelli
During the height of the Great Depression in 1937, the United States Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which prohibited the use of Marijuana. The push to make marijuana illegal was started by William Randolph Hearst, one of the most powerful men at the time. Hearst owned over 30 newspapers and was the controlling shareholder of DuPont, the leading wood pulp-paper company in the United States. Due to the state of the economy and the high costs of wood pulp, a more efficient and cheaper means of paper production was on the rise, and that was the use of Marijuana. This would rival or even topple Hearst wood-pulp empire. So, Hearst used his political power to his advantage, by conducting studies and ad campaign against marijuana. In 1937, his plea was finally answered when the United States prohibited the used of Marijuana for non-medicinal purposes (Medicinal Purposes of the drug were later prohibited in 1942). Congress declared the marijuana caused negroes to Rape White Woman・, made Hispanic violent murderers, caused insanity in white people, and was a highly addictive drug (The La Guardia Report, released in 1944, disproved all of the claims made by Hearst and the United States Government).
The average jail time for a murder charge is 6.3 years. The average jail time for a marijuana charge: 10 years. Over 700,000 marijuana users are convicted each year and most will be sent to prison. America gigantic time and human effort to end the use of Marijuana has a huge price tag. 18.1 billion dollars were spent on the war・against this harmless drug. But, why is the government so hasty to it? number one cash crop? After nearly 60 years of tests and studies, and countless claims by the government that were disproved, the governments stance on marijuana remains unchanged. Now, if you look at the benefits that the drug could financially for the government, their stance seems unethical and supported by out dated and incorrect facts. It is estimated that 32 Billion dollars are spent on marijuana in the United States. With a 6 percent sales tax, the government could earn nearly 2 Billion dollars. That money would be out of the hands of the criminals and into government hands, were it could be greatly used in this time of recession.
Legalizing Marijuana would actually cause a decrease in crime and remove the funding that has fed criminals in violent crimes. It is estimated that there are over 30 million people who regularly use marijuana. What are we going to do? Lock them all up?・said Superior Court Judge, James P. Gray. Look at the past, after prohibition began in 1920, crime rose 24%, making the obvious effect that legalizing marijuana would decrease crime . Because of this, drug reform has become a popular topic.. Almost every state has voted for drug reform, and 9 states currently allow the medicinal use of marijuana (California became the first in 1996. California is also the state that banned smoking cigarettes in bars and restaurants). In 1999, as most states took to the drug reform ballot, the District of Columbia voted to allow medicinal marijuana. After voting was taken, the United States government promptly intervened, by taking the ballots and prohibiting them from being counted. Before they were stolen, it was estimated that medicinal marijuana won in a landslide.
The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention released in September 2000, funded by the United States Government. This web site was dedicated to prevent marijuana use by teenagers, and is a clear representation of the attitude put forth by the government. It offers little to no facts, other than that it causes obesity・and makes pupils dilated. When asked why is marijuana illegal?・by a teenager, the web site refused to answer claiming their site isn稚 about that at all・ can be compared to the pathetic Reefer Madness・campaign of 1936, offering exaggerated or false facts about a harmless substance.
Studies in 1988 confirmed marijuana harmlessness. When the main chemical in marijuana, THC (which is now a common pill prescribed to cancer and AIDS patients) enters the brain, there are receptors for THC in certain parts of the brain. Some of them include hunger, alertness, memory. But, unlike drugs such as cocaine and heroin, there are little to no receptors in the areas of the brain that control life functions like breathing and the
heart rate. This makes it impossible to die from marijuana, and impossible to become physically addicted to the drug. Marijuana also affects the nerve endings in the body, making the medicinal purposes of it great for terminal illness patients.
The global rally for marijuana reform has proven bigger than the advocates of the War on drugs・ In countries such as Holland and Portugal (Portugal actually legalized almost all drugs, including heroin) has been models for the marijuana reform. Holland is infamous for its pro-marijuana state, having legalized marijuana for the past 30 years. The United Kingdom used common Sense・by reducing marijuana charges from a 5 year prison sentence to a verbal warning after studies showed that nearly 70 percent of their drug charges were from marijuana. And, in these countries, the average 10th grader who has tried marijuana is drastically lower than in America. 41 Percent of all 10th graders in the United States have tried pot before, while only 28 percent in Holland, where it is legal.
的f we池e in a war, the enemy・turns out to be the American people,・said Jack Cole, a former New Jersey state trooper. The war・is against the people, as it turns out that the United States spends more to fight you than it does to fight global terrorism. But, change may be in the future. Gary Johnson, governor of New Mexico, is currently fighting for legalizing marijuana and groups such as National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML, founded in 1970 when the Drug War began) are fighting for you. Since you are the enemy, you can fight back by joining the rally for drug reform. The war has yet to be decided.
and we shall win mother fucker, other wise imma smoke just as much... just not in public... but could you imagine how it would be to smoke whenever u wanted... i just dont think you should opereate any vehicle, just for saftey, but set the same regualtions as liquor, just gotta be 18 to smoke it... that would be the shit, and if ur under 18, fukit smoke it anyways!