This thing is good.

Nov 04, 2010 10:32

You asked: Will America become a de facto right-wing dictatorship?

The Basis:
Edgewalker, reversed
This card is divided along the diagonal. In the upper half, a shaman speaks with guides in the spirit world. In the lower half, he sits in trance while the family of a sick man looks on worriedly.
Meaning: You should seek counsel or expert help.

The Situation:
Engineer, reversed
A woman sits with her left hand on a keyboard, her monitor full of pictures of bridges and gears. The pictures spill off the screen into reality; with her right hand, she is using a wrench on a nut in the real half.
Meaning: You are underestimating the complexity of the situation.

The Outcome:
A robotic dog startles itself by looking at its own reflection in a mirror.
Meaning: Look inside. Something that disturbs you in others is actually an unacknowledged aspect of yourself.

You may ask another question.

Reading from The Crowdsource Tarot.
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