Jan 18, 2010 11:42
SATURDAY: OMFG, GAME MADE OF AWESOME!!! (Great food too). Caprine's Lovecraft-set-in-1790-Venice game took a turn for the terrifying when we finally tracked down the creature who summoned the Worm That Tried To Devour The Piazza San Marco. My character (Casanova) and Terrie's gypsy shapeshifter tried to take on the summoner on their own and were described by other players as having "balls of enriched uranium." Those players have yet to grasp the sad truth about Terrie and I as roleplayers: we are adrenaline junkies. And this game delivered! We survived, but ended up falling in the canal. Yuck!
SUNDAY: Oh, God, Disneyland with three eight-year-old girls who spent a third their time screaming with joy, a third complaining and the rest fighting. And it POURED. Have you ever tried to convince a giggle(1) of girls that rain means we should think about leaving?
Final score: Space Mountain three times, Matterhorn twice, Haunted House twice, Pirates twice, Big Thunder twice, Indiana Jones twice, Splash Mountain FIVE TIMES.
(1) Collective noun for girls under twelve.