Apr 30, 2005 20:51
hey guys what's up i am really bored. i left work 2day early cause i felt sick and pretty much slept alll day long and missed going 2 a concert. so ya that was pretty much my day lol. so how r things w/every1. i'm counting down the days until monday and i kant wiat!!! lol reva i'm sure u r just as thrilled as i am lol. we need 2 go down town again. hey maybe we can go this week or something and any1 who wants 2 come just show up i guess lol. oh looke i have 1 missed call from some1 we were hanging out w/last time. oh i took that online survey thing guys but i dont think it put it up will some1 please check cause i really dont know how and i don't know how 2 check what my web thingy on live hournal looks like cause u guys made urs all pretty and i dont know how 2 see mine cause i'm a helpless blonde :-( lol. wow that was a long sentence. u know what guys i really need a bf y can't i find just 1 freakin guy my gosh~! lol. well i gotta go memorize my script 4 acting which i should have done last week cause now i only have 1 day 2 memoroize 4 pages but u know me lolz so ya laterz comment