Jul 13, 2004 11:17
so the past few days have been crazy...and kind of stressful...
thanks to amy and manda for help keeping me sane...whether it be multiple trips to taco bell or cleaning/packing up my room...its all much appreciated
i just read justins journal entry...and realized how little time i have left around this place. been so busy with moving and grad party stuff, i havent even thought about moving away...which is probably for the best...becuz that'll just stress me out even more. theres so much i want to do this summer...and so many people i want to hang with...who probably hate me becuz i have been blowing them off for the past couple weeks. blah :( i want everything to be done with so i can just have fun w/o having 10 other things on my mind.
today im spending the entire day at house one, packing and sorting through things. i hope that by friday i can be completely done with that and hopefully i can ship my furniture over to house two so i can live w/my parents again :p
i want to lay out sometime this week too...so blasting myself on monday wasnt such a waste...
oh yea, and even though im skipping today...starting again tomorrow...daily trips to taco bell are completely and totally necessary.