Pratt City--Visit #3

May 16, 2011 08:04

Things are starting to look different. Debris isn't blocking the street any longer. You can hear bulldozers all around. The military presence isn't as great. The volunteers aren't as plentiful. The neighborhood isn't full of people...most have gotten what they wanted from what use to be their homes. Some have said they are never coming back. Others talk about rebuilding.

We left at 8:30 AM on Saturday and drove to what has become "our" area. We know the streets...we know some of the residents. People throw their hands up and wave when we pull up.

One lady we have been working with a lot said she knew it sounded silly but she wanted to salvage some of her plants before the bulldozers come in and level everything. Her and her husband built this home 30 years ago and she had a lovely back yard and deck area where she entertained friends and family. She is a widow and her home from the outside looks far better than many but it shifted on its foundation so it is no longer structurally sound.

We got to her house an hour before she did and we went to work digging up hostas, repotting things, pulling up paving stones in case she wants to reuse them in her new name it. She pulled up and was amazed at how much we had done. She walked through the back yard, stepping over the fallen trees and all the debris, and pointed out things to us. Where she had her chair where she drank coffee every morning. Where her granddaughter had a swing. Where her favorite tree once stood. She pointed to a back corner and explained it was where they had a little bar area and mixed up drinks for friends sometimes. So many memories and stories.

I asked her how she was doing and she paused like she wanted to really think about it and said, "I'm okay. I can do this." She told me that on Friday she had gone to try and find an apartment...she is staying in a hotel right now...and that it had been hard and it got to her. "I had a bad day yesterday. It bothered me more than I thought it would. I don't want an apartment. I want my home. But...this is how it is right now and I will be back. I'll rebuild."

One of the ladies that I have met from my church and has been with me on each trip is taking all the plants to her house and replanting them for Ms. Olivia until she is ready to have them back. We salvaged some iron patio furniture and decided that if it is pressure washed and repainted it will look like new. It will be set up at this lady's house and Ms. Olivia has a standing invitation to come down and drink her coffee there anytime she wants until she is ready to have it back. She has already picked the first weekend she is coming down to spend the night with them and make sure all her plants are in the right places...sun vs. shade.

It was said on Saturday, "We started out helping you because it was the right thing to was the Christian thing...but now, we continue to help you because we love you and you are part of our family." Such true words.

One of the guys with us is this big burly football coach looking guy. He walked down to talk to some city workers and ask some questions and when they asked him if he lived in the area he told them, "No...but my Mama does and I'm asking these questions on her behalf..." then he points across the street where we are standing with Ms. Olivia and she waves. These workers got a kick out of that...this big white dude saying his Mama lived on the corner and pointing to this tiny little black lady.

There is a house a few streets over that has a sign out front. "Free hot showers...8AM--6PM...all welcome."

There are still looters. While we were there a Birmingham homicide detective came walking through and stopped to talk to us. He said, "I don't know if anybody has told you but even if they have, we appreciate you. We appreciate you being here. We appreciate you coming back. We appreciate your efforts. Thank you." He went on to tell us he had just caught 2 guys 4 houses down loading up things from a house. It wasn't their house. They were just riding through and seeing what they could take. How do you do that? How do you take from someone that has nothing left?

Funny story...while the cop was talking to us one of the guys with us told him he looked so familiar like he knew he had seen him before. The cop smiled and said, "Do you watch The First 48 Hours?" The guy said he did and the cop said, "I'm a homicide detective and I'm on it pretty often..." Our brush with fame I guess.

Big problem now is getting these trees off of the homes, cut up and drug to the street for the trucks to come by and clear them. That is the have to get things down to the road and trucks are coming through daily picking it all up. For every pile they take away there are 2 more piles just like it waiting.

Looks like that is our plan next weekend...removing trees, cutting them up and dragging the limbs to the street. We've been told to plan on a long day and to bring gloves.

We are working with Ms. Olivia on a block party idea. She wants the community to have some fun and for people to come back. She is worried her neighbors aren't going to rebuild and it makes her really sad. We have started the wheels turning and will see what we can make happen. Talking to some local musicians and churches to get involvement. We have partnered up with a local pastor at St. Luke's to see if we can get him to help us get the word out and invite the community. Trying to make connections with restaurants and people that might donate food items. It is a big undertaking but something I think that is important for the residents.

It is still amazing to stand and look at the is a little overwhelming. But there is hope and that is always a good thing.

Pictures below...including one of fiesty Ms. Olivia...

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