10 lbs by Christmas

Nov 30, 2010 13:06

For reasons that are undeniably foolish (fabulous prizes and the fact that the boy I date thinks I'm fat) I'm trying to lose 10lbs by Christmas. Sort of. I know it's stupid, that losing that much weight in less than a month would be a bad thing for my long term ass-kicking goals... But it's a bit of a contest between a group of local cyclists with some neat prizes and while I don't intend to do anything foolish or unhealthy, it's a nice bit of motivation during a time when, let's face it, fitness and weight loss goals kinda go by the wayside. Soo... I'm not really trying to lose 10 lbs, I'm just trying to recommit to my already existent, sensible goals.

Only it would be kinda nice to drop ten lbs. The young man things I'm fat and doesn't like it. He's out of town for two weeks and on leave and it would be kinda awesome to be a significant amount thinner before he got back. And, see, 10 lbs is a large portion of my total weight loss plan so it'd be awesome to get a little boost in there...
Anyway. In order to get there I'm doing everything I've been doing, but refocusing. There's a bunch of little things that once you start having success, you let slide. Like I know drinking caffeine is not good and I totally stopped.. and then I started again. I know that drinking 8 glasses of water is pretty key and I did... until I didn't anymore. So that's the plan. No caffeine (m'gawds), lots of water, some fairly rigorous calorie counting (merf), and I'm going to try to get more biking in. I've been doing a lot less random commutes and puttering around since the weather went nasty... I need to either man up there or get a bike trainer. I'm on it, I can do it.


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