Running, Running, Running... Again

Nov 15, 2010 15:14

The ouchies in my ankle have died down to a dull roar. If I'm sensible and stick to biking for my exercise, my ankle doesn't hurt at all... So of course, I'm back to running. ^_^; It hurts when I run but only a little bit and it doesn't seem to hurt more or less any given week so I think it's just gonna be like this for... pretty much forever. Dunno. I'm going to see a doctor in January to look at it, make sure I don't need surgery, meanwhile I'm tackling my running schedule and making plans for 5k's.

I'm definitely wanting to do the Equinox 5k in March and I'm seriously tempted to do the Skirtchaser 5k, which has to be the silliest race in the world. They give the girls an athletic skirt and a 3 minute headstart, then the menfolks chase. I know the feminist in me should be massively offended BUT. It just sounds like a ton of fun.

I'm also tempted to do the 24 Hours of Booty bike race in July... A 24 bike race is done by a team or particularly psychotic individual who do laps for 24 hours. If you're on a team, you sleep and rest and eat while your friends are doing their laps, and the whole thing keeps going. It sounds like a blast (in a, man this will suck kind of way) and it's a Lance Armstrong Foundation event so all the money will go to cancer research which we can all agree is hugely worthwhile. Only there's a $300 per person fundraising requirement, which is kinda steep in this economy. And fundraising is always awkward. Even though it's for a good cause, you're effectively begging people for money. :/ Awkward.

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