Hmm, hmm.

May 21, 2008 01:14

Ladies and Gentlemen, I love Trent. There are a number of reasons I love that man but I'm going to illustrate a couple of them for you, to get me in the right mood to go sleep before work. ^_^

I'm both lazy -and- absent minded which 'causes me a number of problems. The most obvious issue is that I'll do things like buy a fountain drink... drink it... and then set it down somewhere and promptly forget about it. Everytime I pass by it my brain will fail to see it. I'll only notice the damn thing when it next complicates my life - by, like, being in the cup holder where I want to put my -new- drink. I sear Trent's running around idly picking up the things I set down and dealing with them because I'm noticing a distinct lack of empty containers in my environment -and- my shoes and keys and things are constantly findable. o.O Since I haven't had any personality-changing head trauma lately, I can only assume this is Trent's doing.

And then; Trent and I like to play a lot and we spend a lot of time fussing at each other. Bouts of playful scuffling for dominance in a situation, teasing each other, poking and pestering and fussing. For the most part it's fun for both of us but every now and then it'll go Far Enough and all of a sudden I'll be annoyed. Don't take this the wrong way, I give far better than I get - he's a much, much nicer person than I am and if either of us is going to walk roughshod across the other, it's going to be me. But the other day it went Far Enough and all of a sudden I was annoyed. Not at him, just at the situation. So we broke and went to our separate corners - he on the computer to play Nethack and I sitting on the bed with my art supplies.

But it's me so I had to poke the situation repeatedly. "It's not that I'm angry at you..." I said, tentatively.
"I've never been angry at you." he replied.
"It's just like we do something and then we cross the line but it doesn't stop right away. We carry this on just a little too long sometimes." I said and he made a reasonably agreeable noise.
"We've got to figure this out," I said. "I don't want to spend the next sixty years getting irritated at you regularly." And again, he made an agreeable noise while I poked at my art supplies.
After a few minutes I said, "Hey, Trent. Do we do this more often when I'm PMSing?"
"Yes." he said, quite shortly.
"Oh. Oh! ... Why didn't you point that out?"
"Well because it's not the sort of thing that's nice to say."

^_^ I dunno, boys and girls.

relationships, trent

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