Pictures From This Weekend

Mar 23, 2008 21:17

Here's Trent! ^_^ Note the extremely blue eyes. I certainly did.

Off we go a-hiking. Trent does not yet know that I'm a hyper-active shutterbug. ^_^

One of the two sets of falls we went to see. We were down in there, scampering around beside the water and I took a lot of pictures...

Look! I'm on the fence! That's his shirt I'm wearing. ^.^; Very comfy but I felt rather under dressed with my loose jeans and snuggly t-shirt, watching all the pretty girls. "Don't worry," said Trent. "We're deep in hippy country."

Urgh. Bad skin and dark circles. I'm not lettinging Trent hold the camera anymore and I swear I'm going to start wearing make-up. Also, observe. I'm 23 and I'm already getting crows' feet. You know why this is? I'm spending way, way too much time smiling. <3

I liked the second set of waterfalls better because we could stand practically -in- the falls, the way the rocks were. Trent says we can do the same with the first set, when the water table's lower but he didn't want to risk it this time. I went to the very edge of this rock ledge and had to sit down and stare for a bit. Sneaky Trent took the picture.

I caught him taking the picture and he insisted on another one. ^_^; I look like a twelve year old chipmunk, but check out that water!

The gallant Trent strikes a pose as he watches the water.

I have no idea why I look pregnant in this picture. Something about the angle I'm standing at and the way the t-shirt falls. Eesh. I like Trent in this one so I'm posting it anyway but yegads - no more candy.

And he cooked me dinner...


pictures, trent

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