Pictures of my Boots!

Nov 20, 2007 00:42

My boots! <3 Aren't they beautiful?

As seen from above! (In an itty bitty skirt)

Tee-hee. Chunky thighs. <3 If I'm going to wear itty bitty skirts without hose, I'll have to take up running. Quick! Someone find me a pile of sexy and cute stockings!

I don't really have a double chin. ^_^;; It's just the angle of the photo. I thought you'd all get a kick over what t-shirt I was wearing. :D It seemed fitting, for a day of celebrating my new boots. Also, damn. Lookit my twiggy arms. :/ I really have gotten weak as a kitten. Someone send a sword instructor! Quick! ANd look at that nasty bruise on my arm. :D One of my coworkers today accused me of being in an abusive relationship (there are -always- bruises on my body). "I wish!" said I. And he snickered, "Me too!" And you can see the tiny, abused bookshelf that currently holds all my books, all my comics, and my non-paper art supplies. My book collection, it has shrunk miserably. But it was about half that size before Steven Brust and his wonderful PA Anne got involved. <3 I have a nearly full collection of Brust (and an ARC of Dzur... omg. I shall fondle and treasure it through mylar forever) again and a quick couple trips to the used book store will fill that sucker right out. Woot!


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