(no subject)

Oct 22, 2007 01:28

Just as a warning, I'm pretty drunk so I make no promises of coherence, right? RIght.

A few people have asked about the purple stuffed piggie who's appeared in some of my drawings, most especially when I'm down, so I thought as long as I'm awake and depressed and drunk, I'll tell you all about her. Her name is Puffy and she's my Puffy. I know she's female because she wears a dress. I got her back when I was 18 months old, a present from someone in my family. She's a Puffalump which is a brand of stuffed animal made by the fischer price company, back when I was very small. They're made with a certain parachute-ish fabric that feels like a very coarse silk. My favorite thing to do, when I was little was to rub the fibers of the fabric together against my first finger and thumb, while sucking on my -other- thumb, with my index finger curled around the little dip in my button nose.

So I had my Puffy and I clung to her with the usual desperation of a damaged child. I took her -everywhere-, and considering how many times I moved when I was a child, that's significant. I can remember leaving her behind at a bank and forcing everyone to go back the next day to get her from their lost and found. I don't sleep well without her. When my mother was dating and living with this woman named Brenda, Brenda's favourite way of terrorizing me was to take my Puffy away and lock me in my room without her.

I realize it's silly but even though I'm widely considered an adult, she's still my comfort and security item. I lost her on a trip to cedar point when I was 16 and I spent three years, sleeping even worse than usual (I had nightmares, from about 9-19. Long story), searching everywhere for her or a replacement. See, it took a lot of research before I even realized she was a puffalump (which is where I got her name) and this particular puffalump was only made for about one year... So they're rare as hell and hard to find. I searched steadily on ebay and toy collector sites and garage sales... For three years, to no avail.

. . . And then I found an offering on ebay.

Now, by this point I was -desperate-. I cried for months over Puffy and I'd have paid up to $150 out of my own spending money without a second thought and I'm pretty sure I could've convinced my father to kick some more money into the pot.

. . .

I paid $5 for her. And $20 for emergency uber-fast shipping.

Verra bless ebay.


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