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Jan 17, 2005 11:48

I haven't updated this thing in awhile. I know you were all really bummed about it. don't lie! i watched the movie "saved" twice this weekend. And it's funny but i actually liked it a lot. What i took from it was more not to be fake then not to be a christen. But I don't know what the real message is they were trying to convey. And for a lot of people who saw it, it was just a christen bashing movie. But when Mary says to the pastor that no one fits in with the bible a 100% of the time it's so true. No one can be a perfect christen. And i think when people realize that and come down to earth a little they become much more appealing. They're a lot more fun to be around too. I don't know if it's really the best movie but it just confirmed in me a frustration i have had for along time. You can't win people for God though any kind of judgment or manipulation.
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