Jun 22, 2007 16:54
*Invisi-Girl emerges for her semi-monthly update* I have been keeping up with you, my friends, but just have not felt like posting much myself. I've been spending a lot of time reading since I am not working very much (the not-working-much thing is Very Bad because I have no idea what I'm going to do about school. Speaking about school, I must update you on that in a bit. But yes.I have a
Does anybody have any ideas for making money? Because I need to make some--quite a bit, actually--quite quickly.
Any ideas, suggestions, and prayers would be greatly appreciated!); as much as I want to be working more, I must admit that I am revelling in all this time I have to read to my heart's content! I'm still reading The Secret Agent for British Novel; I'm having a difficult time getting into it. But I have more incentive to finish it quickly now that North and South has come in!
Now I have all the books I need for British Novel, but it might turn out that I won't need them afterall. You see, I'm not positive yet, but I think that the Lord might be leading me to TRANSFER TO ANOTHER COLLEGE (had to make sure you catch the one bit of news in this post ;) ). In a way, I have very mixed feelings about that, but in another, the prospect is very exciting.
If I do transfer, I will have to be at the college on August 13 rather than the September 1 arrival at PCC. That is a bit of a bummer (especially since I'll be going to a wedding in New York three days after classes begin and will therefore most likely miss the second and third days of classes. Ahh! I've never missed a day of class in my life. *trying to remain calm*), but I'll let you all know my whereabouts when the time comes. :) I can only be in one of three places, but it would be nice to know which one I'll be settling down in NOW. *Impatient Invisi-Girl vanishes once again*