25 things meme

Jan 30, 2009 21:41

25 Random Things About Me

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. If I tagged you and you've already done this, comment with a link to your note.

1. If a find something new that I enjoy, like a book or a movie or a song, I read/watch/listen to it obsessively. Most recently this was true of the Twilight books and Gaslight Anthem's album.
2. I have weaned myself off soda, and by that I mean now I pretty much only have it if I go out...I don't buy it as a grocery item any more. I used to drink something like one a day, so this is a good thing.
3. Driving is one of my favorite things to do, particularly over long distances. Driving to and from Chicago recently was wonderful; I drove down to Florida in December and back from Chicago a few weeks ago overnight (as in I left at midnight), and that was also really great.
4. If it is a Friday afternoon, I am usually at the movie theater. This is a relatively new habit, but a wonderful way to end the week.
5. If it is possible to be addicted to hot tea, then I have a problem.
6. It is a life goal of mine to live part of my adult life abroad, even if only for a year or two.
7. London is my favorite city in the world.
8. I have a weird hang-up about speaking Arabic aloud to other people. I'll think out loud in Arabic to myself in order to practice it, but I freeze up when I have to speak it in class.
9. I am the world's slowest reader. No, seriously. I read slower than you.
10. I have never been further west than Abilene Kansas.
11. I have never been in a hospital overnight. I think the longest I had to be in the hospital was the few hours after I fell at Theater Jax and had to have neck x-rays.
12. If I hadn't gone to grad school, I think I would have liked to be a foreign correspondent. I still wonder if I should have maybe gone that route.
13. I don't really have a favorite food. A favorite band, yes, a favorite color, a favorite movie. But not a favorite food.
14. Despite my OCD, I am not the world's tidiest person. I'm not a slob, but there are always mini-messes about my apartment.
15. For a handful of years when I was younger, I really wanted to be an astronaut. I went to Space Camp. I was going to go into the Navy, be a naval aviator, and then apply to NASA. I think my crappy eyesight and a realization that math did not come easily to me convinced me to go a different route.
16. I would always prefer to be too warm than too cold. This is, I think, because I am always freezing.
17. Up until about four years ago, my family went to Disney World at least once a year.
18. I still read the Little House on the Prairie books from time to time.
19. I have only gotten sick from drinking once in my life, and I've never really had a hangover.
20. I was emotionally scarred by the Gremlins movie when I was little kid. Actually, it was one of those "book of the movie" picture books things, and they read it to us at Kindercare, and it freaked me out. I thought the little Gremlin pods were going to show up in my bedroom every morning when I woke up. To this day I have not seen the movie, even though I hear it is actually comic, and not really scary.
21. I have pretty nice hand-writing. It even helped get me a job once.
22. My teachers wanted me to skip two grades in elementary school, but my parents decided against it because my mom wanted me to be on the same developmental level as my peers.
23. I am more comfortable sleeping in a room with some amount of light. Pitch-dark rooms don't really help me go to sleep any easier.
24. When I was really small, my favorite song was "We Didn't Start the Fire." I like to think my taste has improved greatly since then.
25. I believe in the existence of God. We were put here to love each other, and by that I mean give selflessly. If I had to boil down my life philosophy, that's basically it. Give selflessly.
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