Dec 16, 2008 01:55
Life has not been very productive lately. At least, I don't feel it has. School is school, and I personally hate literature. Work is work, and I personally want another job most days. Some days it's okay. I'm surprised they haven't fired me. My school is giving away four prizes on the 23rd, which include a Wii, and $100, $75 and $50 gift cards. I would be content with any of them. My back is killing me extra hard tonight for some reason. I would really like for somebody to fix my back for life, that would be great, thank you. I should be doing homework, what the fuck. Lil Wayne + T-Pain and some others I don't care about are coming to Cincinnati on January 18th. How tight/terrifying/amazing would that be. I heard Justin Timberlake is making a new album!!! Sexy. I'm not excited for the holidays this year. I don't know why, really. I mean, I'm sure I'll have a good Christmas, I usually always do. My parents always make sure we have a good Christmas. I didn't even ask for anything, really. I asked for an iPod touch and that's it. I wouldn't even be upset if I didn't get it, though. I'm not excited for New Year's at all, because I'm going to be alone and that's just depressing to me. I mean, I'm sure I'll be with friends, but you know what I mean. Whatever, I will have my babygirls around to kiss me again. I had a dream last night that Michael and I got into a car wreck. It was very realistic and I did not like it. Also, where is this snow storm???