May 27, 2005 14:27
Just got back from my interview to lifeguard for the City, and it went so well! Since I got my certifications though them, I already had met my main interviewee, Nicole. She's really nice and laidback, so different from evil Jennifer Naylor. Another lady whose name fails me was also there. I answered all the questions correctly, and when I slipped up a bit, I was still at my best. When asked to name four characteristics of a good lifeguard, I got to three before blanking out. Eventually I came up with respectful, so all was fine. But then I told them the story of being a finalist for the Chargers Champion scholarship and how I couldn't think of any adjectives then and blew it. Needless to say, I made them laugh and saved myself from losing their approval.
Anyhow, I got a call from Nicole two minutes after I left saying that they were going to recommend me for hire!! Once again, the stark difference between this interview and all my hassles with the YMCA is like white against black. So I have to get a physical, take a drug test, etc since I'll be working for the city and then I'm good to go! They also really want me to get my WSI (water safety instructor) and so they're going to try and find a class for me.
What a good day! The finals for the Pinewood Derby Race were held at lunch today. Lucky for me, the girl who won first place in our class race was disqualified. So instead of third place, I actually won second. Which means....instead of 20 points extra credit, I get 25, and that completely secures me with a B! How amazing is it that a month ago I was struggling ot get a C and now I have a B!! In the actual finals, I didn't do very well (5th) but you only got more extra credit if you won first, and I don't really need it now anyhow, so I'm happy nonetheless. David spent tons of time redoing his car and I think he ended up getting 3rd or something, so I'm happy for him.
Also at lunch, Trip and Fall performed. So I got to see Levi, Justin, and Brenden....and Nicole and Britney were there as well. They're both so...blonde. I don't remember Nicole's hair being so blonde, so maybe she dyed it, but that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw her.
So yeah, good day. I'm done being all annoying bubbly and ecstatic now :-)