📕📖Two books by Paula Fox referenced in You season 1, episode 1📖📕

Jun 22, 2023 14:30

Two books by Paula Fox referenced in You: News from the World and Desperate Characters.

Above: a screencap of Beck's dresser, where you can see both books.

This book...it just wasn't for me.  It's a book of short stories, pieces from her life.  They don't really connect with each other in any way.  I understood the first story, "Cigarette", but got lost in other chapters, ended up skimming, and gave it up.  This is the second time I've tried reading it.

Above: a gif of Beck instagramming Desperate Characters

they say girls with daddy issues are really good in bed.

Above: Guinevere Beck moodboard from tumblr.

My second read of this novel - or novella. A woman, Sophie, feeds a stray cat with bowls of milk and ends up getting bitten.  She becomes more and more neurotic as time passes.  I think she goes to the hospital in the end (although she spends the whole book debating whether she should), and it is discovered that she is not infected.  I get that there must have been amazing characterization, and Sophie feeling like she is "rabid" - the "rabidness" from the cat transfered to her...but for me, it just was really dull.  These are the kind of books that make me feel especially stupid, because really smart people love them and I just don't get why.

Anyhow I'm so glad I can return these books at last haha.

moodboard, reading, did not finish, iconic tumblr posts, june, paula fox, public2, books, desperate characters, guinevere beck, random, toronto public library, starbucks tea series, pics, aesthetic, elizabeth lail, goodreads, netflix, meh, trash, graphics, 2023, fictional characters, you, gif, tea, review, food, skimmed, liveblogging, new tag day, tv, novels

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