Cinderella 2015 and Beauty and the Beast 2017
"Novels. Mostly pirate adventures."So This is Love: A Twisted Tale, by Elizabeth Lim, page 141 of
hardback edition "I loved reading, too," Cinderella said wistfully. "My parents used to have a beautiful library." She omitted the fact that her stepmother had sold off many of the books. "There'd be stories about the countries around us. I'd forgotten most of them until now. It's easy to forget how vast the world is, and how little of it I've seen."
So This is Love: A Twisted Tale, by Elizabeth Lim, page 301 of
hardback edition
For my own pleasure, here is a post of Cinderella reading. Most of the gifs are from
Cinderella (2015). In the film, Cinderella is reading from
Samuel Pepys diary.
I've noticed that if gifs aren't evenly sized, tumblr "resizes" them into the photoset format.
Costume series Cinderella
Where there is kindness, there is goodness and where there is goodness, there is magic.
Costume series: Ella's day dress
Ladies Alphabet Meme - Cinderella
have courage and be kind.
We must simply have courage and be kind, musn't we?
“Just a moment! Are these the best you have?”
“It’s alright, no one will see them.”
“No, they’ll ruin the whole look!”
Have courage and be kind. Only the gifs of Cinderella reading found in this post.