snafued from
shelbecat So friends of a friend are playing LJ "where were you when..." and I'm carrying it on here.
I've chosen - October 31, 1993. The day that River Phoenix died.
I was 21 years old. Course it was Halloween and I was at my Dad's house. My parents own a costume store:
And so naturally Halloween is crazy busy for them, and they are never home. I was babysitting my two younger sisters, who would have been 11 and 9 at the time. Watching Entertainment Tonight when the top story was that River Phoenix had died outside of The Viper Room(?), of an apparent overdose.
This is the day my youth died. This is the day that the boy I had a crush on when I was 11, the beautiful boy of blonde hair, and blue eyes, and hippi parents, and veganism - my teenage heart-throb - oh he of Teen Beat magazine. Died outside of a bar of a drug overdose. I was crushed. It sucked. It still sucks.