I was good today. Then I was bad. And it's only 10:30AM
Walked the beast again, it was a beautiful morning - and did you know that it's possible to reach the age of 34 and not know that ducks dive into the water? It is.
This mornings walk I noticed that the ducks in the lake were popping out of the water, then I noticed that they were also diving in. So there you go, in the middle of the concrete jungle, approaching ones forties you can still discover things about nature. :)
I've been feeling pretty well these days, except for a sort of general wooziness that is somewhat concerning, but is also on and off and seems to be tied to work. Why I make note of it is that I see my reaction as a very good sign of how healthy my brain is getting.
The other day, for the first time ever in my life I thought about going to the doctor to have something checked out with the thought that, "It's likely not serious, but maybe they can help me figure out what is going on and help me figure out what I need to do to feel better."
I know this may seem strange, but for me that is a break through. I only ever go to the doctor to confirm that something is fatal, and hopeless and that my death is imminent. So progress!
Gratituding: (Brought to you by the letters L and J)
lugonn I'm grateful for you every day of my life. You know why.
snafu07 For always being present in my LJ life. It means a lot to me to know you are reading and caring.
anteka It's Wednesday. And that means a new Plastic!Winchester Theater. And a weekly dose of funny. Funny has been really important to making it day to day during the rough times. So I'm grateful for the funny.
If you watch Supernatural and do not read Plastic!Winchester Theater you must! Go here for the goods (and to laugh your goods off):
http://anteka.livejournal.com/67179.html#cutid1 Yeah. Even though the boss is not here today, I should still do like at least five minutes of work this morning.