Okay. Maybe I'm just wrong - but then again - maybe I'm not.
That fucking limpfist protest at the Pride Gala last night was an embarresment to activism. I just dont see the logic that brings people to the conclusion that because Pride put on event that cost money to get into, that that somehow completely undoes the two and a half days that are free. Pride Toronto is the largest free LGBTTIQ festival in North America. My budget alone contributes to the livelihood of 500 artists, 85% of them from Toronto.
You've got people outside yelling about how Bollywood Cowboy (the Fashion Cares disaster) was racist. Yes it was. It was a politcal disaster and embarrasment and I can't imagine how anyone with even the tiniest bit of political conciousnes let that theme slide through - it also has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL to do with Pride Toronto.
What kind of asshole protests Canada's Conscience and Casey House founder
June Callwood? Activism for its own sake is boring and irrelevant. And protests for their own sake, become the political equivalent of a gnat buzzing around your heels.
Ah. Whatever. I was where I wanted to be - in a room full of people with the authority - legislative and otherwise to make positive change. And my political analysis was fully intact. I guess it's the old debate over again, from where does change come? I choose inside the system.
Is there still a lot of work to do? Of course. Does that mean we can't take a break every once and while to take stock of what's been achieved and feel proud of what's been achieved? Hell no.
In other news, had a great time last night. June Callwoods speech was amazing, she is truly an incredible woman. The second greatest speech of the night was Dean's. Dean is the long long time manager of Woody's - and everyone that knows him knows what an incredible support he has been to many in the queer community. He was so nervous, and so honoured and his speech was very gracious as he reminded each of us that you don't have to be a David Miller or Dalton McGuinty to effect change - that you can do it in your community everyday.
zjman's advice of yesterday and had a stiff drink or ten. Closed down Tango's. Kept an eye out for
iamshyzer cause it was karaoke night.
In conclusion - thank gawd someone outbid me on the giant framed and autographed Queer as Folk poster. I got drunk and bid $480. FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS! Yeah, drunk and silent auctions are not a good combination for me.