Sometimes, browsing/staring mindlessly at the jobs ads on craigslist waiting in vain for something not GODS AWFUL to be posted gets kind of boring. So, sometimes I wander over to look at things that are for sale, despite my lack of money do to the aforementioned lack of a job. But, the awesome part about Craigslist is that there is a FREE section. Free as in Free, as in no moneys. Some of the time, a lot of the time, it’s mostly just useless junk. (Much like the jobs section.) But occasionally there is something cool and neat. Also, my roommate is leaving and I need new furniture.
Enter: The Free Couch.
Now the major problem with free furniture is often that it’s blehck, gross in more ways than one, but in this case it’s mostly just that I don’t have a car capable of transporting anything. Fortunately, my friend Chris agreed to trade my talents for searching for cool and neat stuff on CL for the use of her van and help moving a couch. Ta-da! So with not very much convincing and a lot of huffing and puffing, I now have a Brand New (not actually new and rather loved-on) yellow couch/love seat.
I am pleased with this arrangement, because well, it’s a nice piece (if a bit dirty) and comfy, and also I was really kind of worried that my roommate was going to move the rest of her stuff out at the end of August and I would be left sitting on the floor. Which would be not-awesome.
So I’ve been sitting here at the kitchen table all evening tapping away and reading things. And I notice. That. This couch. Is. It’s… Beaming. It seems really happy. In fact, it seems to be trying to BEAM SUNSHINE YELLOW HAPPINESS AT ME. FROM ACROSS THE ROOM. IT LOOKS SO DAMNED HAPPY! Which is not in itself a bad thing, despite the fact that Lauren totally said it was probably hideously ugly, I actually think the pale sunshiny yellow is pretty cute.
But still.
This has got to be, quite possibly without parallel, the HAPPIEST, CHEERIEST PIECE OF FURNITURE I have ever owned. Or WILL ever own. It’s just sitting over there. Being all, “YAAAAYY! I'M CHEERFULLY YELLOW, BUT NOT GARISHLY EYEBURNINGLY SO! BEAMING MY HAPPINESS AROUND THE ROOM!"
I kid you not.
See look. Here is a picture to prove it. (That is my Yellophant sitting on it because they seemed to go together I guess.)
Is that not the Happiest Couch You Have Ever SEEN?
(p.s., no I do not have an Elephant theme in my apartment. It just… looks like it.)