Apr 22, 2008 12:40
So, I've decided to scale back my writing projects a little bit, I think I'm seriously trying to do too much for me right now. Everytime I put a plan into motion, my creativity seems to fall apart, so here's what the new plan is for this year as of right now.
1. I'd like to have Pirates done and edited by the end of the year.
2. I'd like to have a first draft of at least one other novel done, by the end of the year.
3. I'm still going to work on Horned Bears for Nano, so 50,000 words.
4. I'm still working on my Wolf Short Story and it will be submitted by May 1
5. I'd like to finish my Vampire short story
6. I'm going to work on my "webisodes" Bad Superhero team.
7.I'm scaling back on projects in general. I had overwhelmed myself, I believe with sequels, four books in one series, etc. My focus right now is on: "Pirates of the Lily Rose," "Morgan" and "The Resistance." Horned Bears is for Nano, and I have two projects for next year so far, I don't want more than three plus Nano, so assuming Horned Bears isn't done first draft by November 30, that would be a third project for 2009. 2010 I'm dedicating to my epic triology. 2011 I have three projects for, but two are sequels, so may or may not happen. Beyond that I have only one more currently in progress project, and sequels... I'm sure I'll get more ideas along the way, but I'm working on trying to incoporate some of those ideas into other projects. But let's just get through 2008 first, eh?
Let's just hope letting up on the workload will spark my imagination.... :)