ACK! It's 5am

Apr 02, 2008 05:19

Blargh!!!! I can't sleep. I need to write. I'm too tired to write. I wanna go to bed. I can't sleep. Etc., Etc., Etc., ad infinitium. (Latin buffs can mock my Latin at any future point.)

Just finished watching Season 1 of Dexter - got a goodly amount of the blanket done, actually while watching. That show is really kinda awesome and yet at the same time, kinda weird. But it's kinda OK because I'm friends with Jerin so guy doesn't toally creep me out. Man, Jerin has runined a lot of things for me... being freaked out by guy's playing "nice" serial killers, haunted houses.... It is more weird that I associate Jerin with crazy vigilante serial killer guy? I know Jerin's not messed up like THAT, but I think it's just the creeped out factor, not the character concept.

Anyway, for anyone who hasn't seen Dexter, I say give it a try. It's interesting. I kinda wanna read the book, but I kinda don't. I'm not sure what's worse... that the guy wrote a book about it in the first place or that someone made it into a TV show... that part kinda creeps me out.... strange. Maybe it's because I'm a writer, and I know that you kinda have to be a part of the characters, not in the traditional sense, ala, you'd have to be a serial killer to write about a serial killer.... but in the sense that you kinda (at least I kinda) get to know the people who's point of view I'm writing from. They are not me by any means, they are their own people, but at the same time, I have a sense of voice and a sense of person - not LKH crazy going to buy my imaginary friends birthday presensts sense, but they talk, I listen and translate. In the first draft you let them lead you, and then you rope them in and bring it all together.

See, I'm just blabbering on about stuff and I can't even think about it conherently because it's 5 in the freaking morning and all. I am such a ... someone give me a word, please.

Anyway, so, I didn't get my writing done today. But I do have a sort of semi-interview like thing sorta maybe on Thursday, so that kinda interesting and all. I don't know. I'm desperate. Kinda. I'll have to think about this a lot. I really, really, really, really, really want a job at F&W. Really, really. I love books, and they make books. I really need to work with books, I think. But I'll see. So, since I put out to the universe the way I wanted and needed to lose weight and I got the answer a few days later well then, I'm going to put that out to the universe as well.

I need to work with books in some form. Bookstore or F&W, I don't care. OMG, could you imagine me with a book discount???

So, tomorrow, I've gotta kick it into high gear. I have a few less plans - Just writing, walking and crochet, which I can do in the evening. So, tomorrow it is walking and writing all day long.

Now, I'm off to, hopefully, sleep and stop bothering you all with my crazy. And so I can get up in 5 hours and start writing, because I think I'll only get about an hour on Thursday and Friday. Saturday I need to do some major spring cleaning and Sunday I want to visit my Nans. Besides, Sunday is a new week, so it wouldn't count for weekly word count. So, tomorrow, good writing day, and a couple hours Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

dexter, jobsearch, writing, life

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