(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 21:17

Camp was the best freaking time. I am so glad I went. Its deffinitly what I needed to get me back into the swing of things. So, here is the abridged version of the week:
Topic: Looking up, looking in, and finally, looking out
The looking up part wasnt too huge for me, although I did cry like none other mother. It was pretty hard-core.
The looking in part at first sucked. Upon looking in I just saw myself as this strange, unathletic, over analitical person. Which just made me hate myself for the most part. Up until the last day when AJ (My youth pastor and the speaker for the day) was telling us that we shoudnt conform to secular standards. He was putting it in the context of culture. Meaning, we as Christians should be creating culture, we shoudnt be just following it. Anyway, I took that same basic idea, that being, not conforming to secular standards and put it in my situation. Why didnt I like my personality? Because, the world told me that it wasnt right. That as I guy I should excel at athletics. I should love dirt. I should like to hunt things. Ect. But I dont. I like to play sports, I just suck at them. I dont like to get dirty. I dont like killing things. Whatever. The world tells me that I dont fit in, that I am werid. Well, God made me like this, and God loves me for who I am. Many people love me for who I am. So I suck at sports, I have my own strengths, and my own talents. I just feel really secure with myself. And its really cool.
There is another intense camp thing that I went though, but to keep this entry at a decent length, I am going to refrain, for the most part. Long story short, do I want to go hard-core for God and have an extrordinary life, but be completely mocked by my peers and everything that goes alog with that... or do I want to live a "lukewarm" life for God, have friends at school, live life how I want to live it, and miss out on everything that God has for me and wants to show me? Hmm... I still havent got through this one. Its going to take much deliberaton and prayer.
But, this I do know. I am really excited to see where life and God takes me. I cant wait to see where I am in the next month. The next year. Whatever. Ahh!
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