
Jul 18, 2005 13:16

so yes.. i must say camp was pretty fucking awesome..

@ first it sucked.. but got oo soo much better..

sexci six. ariel.heather.cassie.shannon.shelby.abby.
fab five. ariel.heather.cassie.shannon.shelby.abby
flirt four. ariel.heather.cassie.shannon.
funky pink shit.ariel.heather.cassie.
omg do i love u girls <33

cabin of the session!
u know it!
ya onondaga...
better than cayuga..
especially tuscarora..
seennnneeeccccccca is hott!
^ best cheer ever :-D

i love pauL!--->2nd yr in a row my lovely date for the dance <33
amanda&craig :-0
^ best couples

dan coming 2 cmap and MOLESTING ME= not cool
dan sending me porn= very cool
ha ha ha

oo and then all the counslers thought i was anorexic or somethin...
liek they FORCED ME 2 eat cuz they sai i didnt eat enough..
i was like ya umm do i look anorexic? i wish..
then even better...
everytime i went 2 the bathroom they sent a counsler in after me i was like um no lol but w/e

so ya that sorta sums up camp? very good times....

then fri i went 2 old home days with emma. not a good idea. i realized how many friends i DONT have..
we ran into gabby and kelly...ugg...but ya.. i have no friends in williamville and it makes me --->cry<--- cuz i have so many friends other places..
then we went 2 my lake hosue.. another mistake. i guess i juts dont liek emma nemore? shes so annoying how shes always fucking crying? idkk.. the whole time she was liek "ur so pretty im so ugly" "lets make a chart of who would go out with u" i was like um lets not? we went 2 charlie and the chocoate factory in fredonia and shes like "i don wanna b here" im like "uhh 2 late now?".. then on sun mornig it was like 11 and she starts cryin sayin how she has 2 b home and we had 2 RUSH OUTTA THE HOUSE, LEAVIN IT A MESS SO SHE WOULD GET HOME ON TIME.. AND WHEN WE GOT TO HER HOSUE EVERYTHING WAS LIKE W/E AND NO1 WAS IN A RUSH.. HER SISTER WAS EVEN RIDING HER BIKE..
now my moms mad @ me cuz we have 2 go back 2 the lake hosue 2night and clean it.. ugg..
emma just fuckin pisses me off..
theres nothin else 2 it..
but that just makes me realize how --->lonely<--- i am. and how i have --->no1<--- in my life who i can tell everything.. and i must say thats not a very good feeling.. and ahH!
i miss camp.. my 7 bff in the whole wide world go there...
<333 cassie, heather, shelby, shannon, abby, scotia,and kaitlyn...
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