Let Round Two Begin!!

Apr 10, 2006 10:56

I am in this competition at school where we argue a particular issue before a mock appeals court. The judges then discuss who they think did a better job and select a winner.

Last week I won my first round and today I have round two. The dude I am against today lost his first round, so if I beat him he is out of the competition completely (double elimination).

The issue we are arguing is whether or not transsexuals should be a protected class, which means that it would be unlawful for an employer to discriminate against them. The second part of the issue is whether or not the allegations made by this transsexual are severe enough to be unlawful if he is protected.

The first round I represented the company and argued that transsexuals are not protected. This time I represent the transsexual and will argue that he is protected by law.

I feel pretty confident that I'll win, but you never know. "Any given Sunday" they say in football.

I also tried out for a Trial Advocacy team Saturday morning. It's pretty hard to get on that team, but hopefully I'll make it. If I did get on it, we put on fake trials (introduce evidence, examine and cross examine witnesses) and I think it would be pretty fun. I'll find out this week whether I made it or not.
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