Mar 04, 2008 19:12
I like you, DePauw, but not enough.
I love you Marvin's (oh do I). I love you Katie. I love you Judy. I love you Katlyn. I love you short walks to class. I love you beautiful campus. I love you networking. I love you Monon Bell. I love you nerdy ITAP job.
I love not so much sorority girl cults. (Related note: I can't style my hair and that is a part of WHO I AM.) I love not so much cold weather. I love not so much the fact that as an aspiring Comm major, I cannot get into a Comm class. Right now, I have an unfortunate sunburn that God decided to let blister on my face that resembles herpes and I'm stuck speaking in a British accent thanks to a recent overdose of Keira Knightley films. I cried once in class and I have grown tired of eating your chicken salad spinach wraps (why can't I think of anything else to order from The Den?!) You're too far away from a mall and La Cha is no more.
We had a good run, but this wasn't meant to be. College can be better than this. So long!