May 24, 2022 10:41
Home health nurse just called -- Lonnie's blood pressure was 80/54 and 79/53, plus he's short of breath, so she's recommending he go to the ER.
Randy is on his way to take him.
Hopefully, it's just dehydrated and being on an IV will help, but... I'm worried. Obviously, d'oh. He's 95. But... Brad and Carrie both just lost their moms, and I've been putting off taking Gracie to the vet because I don't think she'll come home, and there is just so much sadness, and all of that is adding to my sense of dread.
I didn't go with him, but I keep thinking maybe I should have.
Then again, in the past it's been a case of being on an IV for a day or two and then being released, and hopefully it's nothing more than that.
So hard to keep his congestive heart failure/kidney failure in alignment balanced -- too much lasix and this happens, too little and he builds up fluid around heart and lungs.
We thought we had a good rhythm with 4 Mon-Thur and 3 on Fri-Sun, but apaprently it got out of balance.
Just, ugh.