
Feb 18, 2006 22:39

Been working hard lately, since I went top portsmouth at the beginning of the month the only other day I've had off was last sunday and I don't have another day off until the comming tuesday and it's not even like I've had any proper time off in this 8 working day period, and yes it is starting to kill me but I need the money that desperatly, the only thing I'm fopcusing on right now is that I get 2 days off the comming week and then the weekend after I'm going to see daisy again :D which just makes me happier than I can easily explain, but it does mean I will be missiong Portsmouth next month *hides* Hannah I'm sorry! but it will be worth it.
My brothers wedding is getting ever closer and I don't know what to do about his stag night or anything like that, I've booked the days off work and the tickets for D will be easy but I'm all running around going nuts.
Some good news dave C (Sir OX) and Kaz have set the date too tho they only said october so either way I wish them both really well.
Summer is however drawring closer, I can feel the weather warming already and that is making me feel better, mow I haven't got to pack the layers on to stay warm, just a jacket and glves suffices, really can't wait till the heats back I iss it so...

Oh and may The crack smoking Pete duo that is Fragile and Stinky be forever cursed with Fluffy Bunnies for the plot sticks they have beaten me with!!

Tho I have found my Arieel kit, cool set of robes, I shall show peeps when I can afford!

Arieel Silverwing - The Midnight Warrior
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