Jul 18, 2004 23:27
whoa i just got home from camp...camp itself sucked monkey but the people in it kicked some major bootayy ;) nehooz stole a survery from rachel soo here goes...
hmm.. so bored, nothing to dooo. so yeah doing this survey thingy =]
[x] Part One... The Basics..
What's your name: Ariel
Age: 13
Age you act: no comment...
Current location: Massachusetts
Eye color: bright blue
Hair color: natural: not sure anymore...now: reddish
Right, lefty or ambidextrous: ambidextrous
Zodiac sign: aquarius
Height: 5'2
[x] Part Two... Describe..
Your heritage/nationality: Canadian-ROCK ON!
Your hair: naturally its curly and frizzy...yuck :(
Your fears: spiders, bugs, old people, death
Your perfect room: open and spacy
What you practically do in a day: eat-sleep-go online-talk on the phone-and a lot of days hit the mall
[x] Part Four... This or that
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings: don't usually get fast food...
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: depends on the song
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Black or white: black
Bills or Coins: bills baby!
Burgers or hot dogs: idk
Egypt or France: France
Rock or rap: both but mostly rock
[x] Part Five... Do you
Smoke: nope
Swear: yep
Sing well: ive been both complimented and insulted...
Sing in the shower: hehe yes
Talk to yourself: a lot
Believe in yourself: depends on the situation
Like taking these longass surveys: depends...if im bored
Play an instrument: planning on taking something up
Want to go to college: yes
Want to get married: idk
Want to have children: dk that either
Think you're a health freak: nope
Get along with your parents: for the most part
Get along with your siblings: sometimes
[x] Part Eight... The Last
Last dream: something about unicycles and a french secret mission in israel...
Last nightmare: there was a stabbing and i woke up and i thought someone's appendix was on my bed
Last time you cried: today...
Last movie seen: hp3 i think
Last movie rented: might be space cowboys...
Last book read: part of the contender for friggen summer reading
Last word said: me
Last swear said: shit monkeys
Last time you laughed: with sandy when her bus pulled out ='(
Last phone call: i called rachel b on the plane home...
Last CD played: a mix
Last song you sung: get out
Last annoyance: no comment
Last person you hugged: misha...
Last person you yelled at: the kids who were going to connecticut...i yelled i love you all
Last time you wore a skirt: friday
Last time you fought with your parents: dk havent been home for awhile
Last time you wished upon a star: don't laugh i was desparate...few weeks ago
Played Truth or Dare: haha the campout
Spent quality time alone: right now
[x] Part Nine... Randomness
Are you talking to someone on AIM: kevin and val
Do you feel lonely: yes
Ever TP'd someone's house: lol no
How about egging someone's house: no
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine: 50 is...but hes a jerk lol
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you: umm...no?
What do you think of George Bush: he needs to get his priroities straight
How many languages do you speak: umm english and i took spanish and a little bit of french...1 and 3 quarters!Celebrity crush: shane west