Aug 07, 2004 00:39
Victory… Of Sorts
The past few days have been quite eventful, getting the transfer to the Gas Station was surprisingly easy. It seems I’m doing well being awarded a full time posting after working there only a month and a half.
Onward to my next goal, this payday has left me with enough extra cash in the pocket to both go for my learners permit and to have a little fun money left over. But what to do after my learner’s license is obtained during the waiting period?
Well there’s my car of course, have to save up about 500$ to get the ball rolling on that one. Another thing that’s been on my mind lately is fitness, now might be a good time to get a membership over at that gym here in town. Hmmm, I’m not quite where I want to be just yet, but I’m another step closer.
Work Hours for the next week and abit are as follows:
Sat 2:15-8:15
Sun 8:30-2:30
Mon 2:15-8:15
Tue 2:15-8:15
Wed 4:15-8:15
Thur ---
Fri 9:30-3:30
Sat ---
Sun ---