For the Supernatural fans. NSFW... I didn't know about this episode/clip until the Supernatural convention last weekend. It was Misha's first ever con, and the fans of course had to bring this up.
The moment I heard about it, I thought, "Youtube later!"
To give him credit, he was gracious about it when talking about it. He had to fight not to laugh during the surgery prep scene, since he was "sedated".
When the producers asked him to play the part, they asked if he knew yoga and if he was flexible. He didn't really know the one, and wasn't much of the other, but he said, "Sure!" He said that what helped to counter laughing fits was the amount of pain he was in. He walked kinda hunchbacked for a week afterward.
On a related note, Charles Malik Whitfield (he goes by Malik) on the sacred swirly he received:
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