So WisCon happened! As usual, it was absolutely lovely, although this year I went to fewer panels than I intended; on the other hand, much of the con involved me playing host to
filia_belialis and
such_heights, since it was their first time at WisCon. We had lots of meals together, and impromptu room parties, and it was delightful. (We may have officially called our room the Tom Hiddleston Recovery Unit, but there wasn't so much recovery as just lots of yelling about him/Tilda Swinton/the Avengers cast/the Doctor Who cast/&c. Also
oliviacirce hid behind lots of imaginary pillars.)
We arrived on Thursday, and didn't do much except locate
such_heights and go out for dinner. Friday morning the three of us hooked up with
fairestcat and
lovelokest, who were lovely and drove us to a morning showing of Iron Man 3, as Amiel hadn't yet seen it. In the afternoon we went to the Gathering, wherein I had AVENGERS ASSEMBLE calligraphied on my arm. (It was gone by mid-Saturday, but that's all right.) I attended the Queering the Text panel, which was for the most part great; there was that moment when someone started defensively insisting that you have to write only about dudes in fandom because the ladies are all badly-written/so boring there's nothing to extrapolate on, but nearly the entire room politely shouted that person down. The rest of the time we got way beyond Slash 101; we talked about queering the text both in the m/m or f/f shipping way, but also in the poly way, and the doing-interesting-things-with-gender way, and &c. I may have [a] talked about cool things fandom does with Jotun gender and [b] accidentally promised to write Fury/Heimdall, and now that I've written it down somewhere decently public I think I've just promised to write it again.
And of course that night was the vid party! Highlights for me included watching the room's reaction to
I Swear, that amazing cracky Clark/Lex vid; and also the primeres, especially the Teenage Kicks section, especially the Twilight vid
Keep the Streets Empty for Me, which is basically the vid equivalent of the Twilight fic I'm probably never going to write. So that was great! The vid party is one of my favorite bits of con.
Saturday ... wow, I don't think I did a complete panel for any of Saturday! That was one of the days where we were quite low-energy, and held a really nice room party for a lot of the afternoon; in the evening we went swimming, and also did the party circuit, where I got this year's haiku earrings. They're called Mile Marker, and they look a bit like the Bifrost, so my haiku ended up being mostly about the Bifrost in disguise. I wore them all of Sunday, which was also panel-light -- we slept in, socialized a bit -- including a bit of lobbycon that was Tilda Swinton Appreciation Life and involved more hiding behind actual literal pillars -- and only went to Not Another Fucking Race Panel (sorry, COUSIN OF RETURN OF REVENGE OF NOT ANOTHER FUCKING RACE PANEL), which was as usual hilarious, although bizarrely morbid this year. Then of course there was the dessert and Guest of Honor speeches; we swanked it up, and ate way too much chocolate (or at least I did, SO MUCH CHOCOLATE), and Jo Walton is a DELIGHT, oh goodness. (I may have bought Lifelode from the Room table in the dealers' room; I also have Olivia's copy of Tooth and Claw, and I may urgently have to reread Among Others, and and and.) Afterwards we somehow ended up in a room party that contained [a] a bizarre mixture of alcohol including fruit loop vodka(!?) and [b] nearly every person I love to hang out with at this con all in the same space; I don't remember everything we talked about, as it was for a few hours, but one of the definite highlights was
ellen_fremedon describing her potential eleven-course feast to be made for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. We were all terribly impressed and delighted.
And then Amiel and I left quite early the next morning. (NB:
such_heights did a WisCon write-up, in a much more timely fashion,
here; hers is more comprehensive, and has enough overlap with mine that it seems like a good additonal con report for me. In other news,
such_heights is the best roommate a girl could ask for, and I don't want to highly recommend her because I want to keep her all to myself and room with her again.)
I think this about covers it! Although in more serious news, usually I do WisCon and come out of it feeling energized, and pleased with myself, and like I've recharged for another year of normal things before it comes around again. Not so much this year! I was low-energy enough that I felt a bit like I needed twice the usual time to even sink properly into the con spirit and relax enough to enjoy myself. It was also a reminder of all the things I like, and something like a punch to the face about how I'm not doing the things I like, at least in my dumb not particularly rewarding day job. Which is really great, actually, in the sense that instead of feeling like an affirmation this year con felt like a wake-up call, to go out and try to make the rest of my life more like the stories I want it to be again.
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