avengers: the stupid crossovers edition

May 06, 2012 15:12

Last night, after Polaris' and my second Avengers viewing, we held a small impromptu fanpeople party that over the course of the evening whittled itself down to me, Polaris, paper-tzipporah, and an impressive amount of wine. ( And then we had an absurd discussion about the characters from Community hanging out with the characters from Avengers; afaik there are no specific Avengers spoilers under the cut, but I have one anyway to be on the safe side. Click if you want to hear about ridiculous Avengers/Community crossovers! )

Anyway I still find this entertaining in the sober light of day, and so! That was an excerpt of my delightful evening.

This entry was originally posted at http://aria.dreamwidth.org/182475.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fannish: community, aria: silly, rl: gondor needs no tag, fannish: avengers

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